I am great! haha. It is so hot here!!! We don't use blankets. I sweat at night and when we shower and get out and dry off, it's like I didn't even get out. We still sweat, haha. So it's hot, very hot. It was up in the 100s this past week. This coming week, idk.
Our investigators are good. We found a family that are really humble and are listening to us. They love when we come over. They're from Kansas, but they don't speak English. The zone is really good. We have a zone meeting today, so I hope it goes good. We're trying to get the missionaries a little more excited and pumped up to do the work. Lots of them seem like they're sad or just dying, idk, it's weird. So it will be good to talk to them today.
I miss you, Dad. I miss all those camping trips we did. I love you.
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