Sunday, July 27, 2014

More Q&A

1. What are your favorite hymns in Spanish?

My favorite hymns in Spanish are Conmigo quédate, Señor.  In English it is something like Abide With Me Tis Eventide, something like that. And Santos Avanzad  (Press Forward, Saints).  I love all but haha, yea, we sing the hymns all the days.

2. How are your allergies,  and how are you holding up in the heat?  Do you have the allergy meds you need?

I don’t have allergies here. I guess its just a blessing haha. :)
(Note from Chuck:  This really is a great blessing because Gabe had very bad hay fever in the summers in Utah and we were worried that he would suffer with it on his mission.)

1 comment:

  1. Blessings do come as we serve. We pray every day for Gabe.
